For Principals
Creating the conditions for middle leaders to lead with impact
Middle Leader Capability
You know that high performing middle leaders are essential to the creation of powerful learning environments where all students can learn. Leveraging my extensive experience in leading school improvement, teaching and learning, curriculum and regional professional learning I will support YOU to achieve your school goals by coaching and mentoring your middle leaders (Deputy Principals, Heads of Department, Learning Leaders etc).
My areas of expertise include:
Strategic leadership for school improvement, especially crafting strategic plans for faculties/departments and whole school improvement programs
Creating and leading professional learning communities. Designing processes, protocols and tools needed for action research
Designing professional learning for adult learners
Building the capability of leaders to lead pedagogy/teaching and learning/curriculum
Middle Leader Teams
Your middle leadership team is the leadership engine of your school. Leithwood, Harris and Hopkins (2008 and 2019) suggest the central role of leadership is to improve employee performance. Working together with high levels of trust and capability they can be a powerful force for lifting teacher capability. I can coach your leadership team by leveraging the strengths of each leader, so they become a high performing collaboration. Team coaching is becoming a powerful way of maxmising time and energy for impact.
My expertise includes:
Structures, processes and protocols for middle leadership team meetings
Uncovering beliefs, values and assumptions of team members to create powerful collaboration
Reference: Leithwood, Harris and Hopkins (2008) Seven Strong Claims about Successful School Leadership
Tailored Advice
Did you know that at least 91% of middle leaders are classroom teachers and hold responsibility for an area of the school e.g. curriculum area? (AITSL 2022) The conditions middle leaders need for success have changed over the last 10 years, as responsibility for school improvement and management are distributed. Sharing my research into middle leadership and my extensive experience in building middle leader capability I can help you create the supportive conditions in your school for high quality middle leadership. My insights into effective line management, performance development processes, distributive leadership, development of middle leader capability and coaching and accountability conversations will help YOU create an environment where your middle leaders are impactful.
Reference: Spotlight: Middle Leadership in Australia, AITSL, 2022